I like to contribute to Science Communication efforts, by writing articles explaining climate science to the general public (my mom likes them!), or giving public talks (she also thinks I look nice when I do those!). I like to do this both in English and in my first language, Italian (so that my mom can understand, but also because I like to keep in touch with my home country!). Things are tagged accordingly.
You can find some of my shorter musings in the blog, and below a list of articles on websites/newspapers I was asked to write or I was interviewed for, podcasts I participated to and public talks I gave.
(EN) What Can We Learn About SRM From Climate Modelling? (SRM360 Perspective from me about what we can learn about SRM from climate modeling) (15/1/2025)
(EN) Fights over geoengineering experiments will heat up in 2025 (NewScientist article about SRM experiments, with quotes from me) (27/12/2024)
(EN) A lot of people feel quite uncomfortable thinking about it (Institution of Mechanical Engineering interview about SRM deployment) (18/12/2024)
(EN) The Shipping Industry May Have Accidentally Done Some Geoengineering (Heatmap interview on our paper on shipping emissions) (06/12/2024)
(EN) BBC Radio Interview on Shipping Emissions (Interview to the BBC radio discussing the impact of shipping emission regulations) (05/12/2024)
(EN) American Geophysical Union Proposes Ethics for Geoengineering (Interview to the American Institute of Physics about the AGU Ethical Principles I Coauthored) (05/12/2024)
(EN) Solar Geoengineering: Benefits and Risks with Daniele Visioni (An interview with Dan MIiller about SAI) (21/10/2024)
(EN) How did a sudden reduction in shipping pollution inadvertently stroke global warming? (An interview about out recent preprint about the climatic effect of a reduction shipping emissions) (08/06/2024)
(EN) Why new proposals to restrict geoengineering are misguided (An op-ed on MIT Tech Review about SRM regulations in the US and in the world) (23/04/2024)
(IT) Libera Scienza in Libero Stato (Interview on the topic of climate modeling, and how reliable they are, in the context of climate deniers) (22/01/2024)
(EN) It's adaptation all the way down (A piece I was asked to write for a European think-tank) (2023)
(EN) Scientists are Coming Around on Geoengineering (Heatmap article about geoengineering research, with multiple quotes from me) (13/12/2023)
(EN) How much are volcanoes to blame for climate change? (Salon article about the impacts of volcanoes on climate, with a quote from me) (13/10/2023)
(EN) Stopping geoengineering, by accident (Catalyst podcast interview about the potential climatic impact of shipping emissions) (15/9/2023)
(EN) Solar Geoengineering Futures (Resources for the Future event on SRM research. My panel is the first of day 1) (15/9/2023)
(EN) The Geoengineering Question (Editorial on Project Syndicate about Climate Intervention research) (11/9/2023)
(IT) Come si misurano le temperature in Italia? (Interview on the topic of measurements, temperature and attribution of climate change) (21/8/2023)
(EN) What you need to know about reflecting sunlight to cool Earth" (A QeA with Ben Furnas, executive director of the 2030 Project: A Cornell Climate Initiative together with Doug MacMartin about SRM and our long time plans at Cornell) (26/7/2023)
(IT) Non tanto il caldo quanto i climalteranti (Podcast interview touching on various climate change related issues) (22/7/2023)
(EN) Fire smoke dimmed the sun. Scientists see research opportunities. (Interview with the NYT detailing the climatic effects of fire plumes and some research opportunities for climate science.) (9/6/2023)
(IT) Rai Radio 1 Zapping (Con Giancarlo Loquenzi, parlando di sicurezza climatica, SRM e la nostra Call for Balance) (3/3/2023)
(IT) Daniele Visioni, dall Aquila alla Cornell per studiare il clima (My interview with an Italian newspaper about my research, the WMO report and geoengineering) (8/5/2022)
(EN) My interview with CTV Your Morning (TV interview on the topic of solar geoengineering) (10/9/2022)
(EN) Making sense of solar engineering - Catalyst Podcast with Shayle Kann (Podcast episode where I get to discuss solar geoengineering with the excellent Shale Kann. A great introduction for everyone.) (21/6/2022)
(IT) I cambiamenti climatici e le migrazioni (Talk about the connection between climate change and internal and international migrations.) (12/7/2021)
(IT) Gli Stati sottostimano i dati reali sulle emissioni di CO2: una inchiesta (Interview with one of Italy’s leading newspapers about COP26 and emissions reported by countries.) (11/10/2021)
(EN) Solar Radiation Management Primer (A website aimed at the general public offering an overview of what Solar Radiation Management is.) (11/1/2021)
(EN) Solar geoengineering: what do we know, what do we need to know, and should we know it? (Invited talk to the Bio-Diverse Festival) (10/14/2021)
(EN) Refreezing the Arctic: Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and other techniques (Discussion organized by the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge to explore the possibilities - and risks - associated with stratospheric aerosol injection and other) (7/12/2021)
(IT) Fisica del Clima con Daniele Visioni (Interview about climate change, the job of a climatologist and how to become one having a background in physics, with the Italian Association of Physics Students) (3/07/2021)
(IT) Joe Biden cambiera il paradigma del clima (The new climate politics of Joe Biden) (1/20/2021)
(IT) Il giro del mondo in 10 molecole (Around the world in 10 molecules: public talk to one of the main Scientific Festivals in Italy explaining the interconnectedness of the Earth system, starting from 10 molecules that regulate the climate and the biosphere) (11/25/2020)
(IT) Buco dell'ozono: a ogni anno il proprio record (Ozono hole: to each year its own record) (10/23/2020)
(EN) Reviewer 2 talks stratospheric heating under geoengineering (Podcast interview discussing my latest paper and climate modeling in general) (9/4/2020)
(EN) Research finds Sulfate Geoengineering would be only a temporary fix for climate (Interview in the NCAR CISL website discussing one of my latest papers) (9/2/2020)
(IT) Salvare il pianeta (Saving the planet: discussing climate change from an Italian and American perspective. Podcast interview) (7/1/2020)
(IT) Le politiche ambientali degli USA (Environmental policies in the USA: interview by an Italian podcast discussing the impact of the new environmental policies of the United States) (4/23/2020)
(IT) Cambiamento climatico: perche preoccuparsi dei ghiacci? (Climate change: why worry about ice?) (10/4/2019)
(IT) Il nuovo rapporto dell'IPCC sugli oceani e sui ghiacci (The new IPCC report on the Oceans and Cryosphere) (9/27/2019)
(IT) Cinque Domande Comuni sul Cambiamento Climatico (Five common questions about climate change) (7/2/2019)